Host: Elliott Connie

Free 3 Part Live Lecture Series

Host: Alesya Courtnage

The Live Event Has Finshed But Sign Up For The Replay!

When I look around the world and see the things going on right now I can not help but think that what we all need is more of a focus on hope. Afterall, some would argue that hope is the most powerful force in the world. In spite of this, most people that come into our offices come with a focus on problems and symptoms, not hope. In fact, that's what the world seems to be focused on. So we decided to create HOPEFEST 2021. This event will inspire your heart, bring out the best of you, and help you make it the center of your work. And, it's completely free!

During this event we will be covering...
  • Day 1 (January 20th): The power and impact of hope and how to manifest that power.
  • Day 2 (January 21st): How you can be at your very best as a helping professional by focusing on hope in your sessions.
  • Day 3 (January 22nd): How to evoke hope in your client's lives, even when it seems all hope is lost to the client. 

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